Expected and the unexpected! what a day!

Great day! Appointment made to meet Erwin before he leaves back to Berlin tomorrow.  Got home and seeing d'Hubby still with the maintenance job! and finally..Alhamdulilllah syukur kehadrat Allah swt no more blockage and the water flows smoothly...so now he become expert! *-)*-)

We shoot out from home about 2000hrs and luckily no terrific traffic but problem in getting parking in Cititel Mid Valley with 3 times trying to the parking lots really make d'Hubby upset and I hate it coz its very simple.  Lastly I ask him to park at the parking bay of Cititel which he firstly refuse coz the cost of parking is RM20/entry.  Arghhh at last after taking another 4th turn he goes in the parking and I ask him just follow.  Then we have problem for no parking bays available and we had to reverse..Alhamdulillah with bit of patience we got the parking..huhhh!

Erwin was already waited for us at the lobby and as usual he have been very fatherly and concern and take us for dinner at the coffeehouse...hahahah..and on the way to the seating area...oh gosh..we met (not really meeting Norlynne and Azmi but passed by the seating area of both of them with couple of people) what a small world and as usual Norlynne will be ignoring and pretending not seeing....hahaha

We had long chat of all the good memories and about friends and colleagues during AEG years when constructing STAR LRT Phase 1...a real laugh and missed the time..how time flies!  Then we had to move out from the Coffeehouse since the buffet closed at 2200 but we were there almost at 2220hrs..hehehe.  Erwin then wanted me to eat and continue chit chat again! He suggest we sit in at the Coffee Bean for a drink.  Gosh its all paid by him!  We chatted again and Iesha is tired and bored and wanted to go up but luckily she didnt really disturb much.  We ended chatting till almost at 0015..hahaha wat a chat! But Erwin don't seems to be very done and wanted to chat but I know d'Hubby have to wake up early tomorrow since he got task to Jelebu for not sure what event.  Was a good time and not sure what will be the next time in meeting him again and he look forward to meet me again in Berlin.  Erwin loves the brownie that I gave him and as he mentioned over the phone he got a Christmas cake for me and family...cannot eat la coz got Rum! Can just keep it and give non Muslim to eat it someday!

On the way home d'Hubby suggest that we go to Little India..well nothing to buy coz its already midnight but we passed by to take pics...nice place! then the kids asked d'Hubby to use Jalan Bukit Tunku and feel the cozy and quite and relax of this rich man rows. Was a great driving with traffic and relax and we finally reach home at 0100am aka 11 Dec 2010.

Ohhh its already late la and I need to ZZZZZ

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