November 2020 Is Here Again Marking Our 28th Anniversary

November 2020 Is Here Again Marking Our 28th Anniversary |  Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah.  November is here again and today 01 November 2020 marked as the  28th years of sweet and sour life affair with my dearie husband.  Well of course, we look forward for many more years together.

To my husband, my soulmate, lover, companion and friend also my enemy, you mean so much to me.  I can’t imagine life without you.

No sweet messages among us, no cakes, no celebration but we know that we both need each other. Just wishes between us, the kids, family and friends. Thank you everyone for the great wishes

Who says that we don't quarrel? Not sure if there are couple who doesn't.  We argue, we don't agreed to many things from food too.  I do get upset with him, guess the same with him too..haha

Nothing much to add or to write about our love story, about our marriage, about our the sweet and sour life, about how we manage our time with 6 kiddos, perhaps one day I will write the story. InsyaAllah.

I am sharing some quotes that any newly wed or couple should understand and be patient and accepting each other to ensure a happily life together

"a happy marriage doesn’t mean we have a perfect spouse or a perfect marriage. It simply means we choose to look beyond the imperfections in both.”

"don't confuse a great marriage with a perfect one. A great marriage is attained through daily effort, love and investment of time and a perfect marriage doesn’t exist because it involves two imperfect people.”

"we disagree on many things, but we absolutely agree to never, ever give up"

"the greatest marriages are built on teamwork.”

“It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

"Marriage is not easy. It takes compromise, sacrifice, and revealing yourself to another person. However, if you are willing to work and submit to the process, it promises great reward"

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  1. Happy anniversary akak....semoga bahagia selamanya...

  2. Happy anniversary kak... ����

  3. Allahu.Mencapai titik ini tentu bukan mudah. Banyak warna dan pelbagai rasa. Selamat ulangtahun perkahwinan kak. Moga nanti sampai syurga.

  4. happy anniversary kakak...may this 28 becoming 288 and 2888 and 2888888888, till jannah insya-Allah

  5. happy anniversary to my favourite makcik dan pakcik... semoga both of you dirahmati ALLAH SWT

  6. Alhamdulillah. Selamat ulang tahun kak. Semoga berbahagia hingga ke akhirnya dan mendapat keberkatan illahi


Terima kasih atas kunjungan dan komen, sungguh sangat dihargai! Kalau ada kesempatan saya akan balas, InsyaAllah. Komen baik-baik tau!

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