Tight work schedule and personal

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04 Dec - around 1245 past midnight got message that Uda have finally get out of PPR after been suffering for 20 over years over and over again! Not sure what really happen and that she really take the steps after me, Kak Lang and Adik  waited for Syahmi to make the plans and end up we had dinner at almost 0200am..hehehehhe.  Luckily D'Hubby not around but he is aware of it and of course I need to let him know too.


My Work

03 Dec - Was out to meet the student group and send dinner to Citin Hotel (well have to pack the dinner from Karim CT Beriyani House near Alpha Genesis and have to wait for more than 45mins as the need to pack 24packs with Beriyani and Nan then Veg food too) and which I finally got into the car at 2300+hrs after making sure the student room changed as they are having bad smelly room.  After taking money from Anto and bit of discussion together with Chris the pilot.  Then the last agenda is to have dinner at Halim Tomyam.  Tired and upset (pretending) with the children behaviour I took the house key and walk home..Fuhhh..bit scary coz its already past midnight but Alhamdulillah I safely arrive home! Surprise huh!

Had a busy day with lots of phone calls from the Principal to father to siblings for the outcome of the students, if they have arrive etc etc.  Its fun though!

Saw the email in FB from dear Erwin that he is coming this Saturday! ouch need to find him room but will wait for his confirmation so that I can do the rest!  Really hope to help him and ensure he enjoy his stay back in Malaysia!

Now is already 0134am and need to sleep coz tomorrow another hectic day with marketing at Pasar Keramat and lepakking at Mom's house and to Hap Seng to pay for dinner

Good night all!

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