loving memory of Nurul Huda Jamaluddin

Entahlah kenapa masa dalam penerbangan hati rasa jangan lah ada berita yang tidak enak...tau mau sebut tapi faham sendiri maksud detik hati..entahlah..but the inbox msg dari Mr Hubby was something very confusing and doubtful masa tiba di Muscat, Oman
    • Confius...
      Nurul Jamal
      Hi guys, I'm Nurul's friend.. I'll be running her account for the time being k? Her death was something big to many of us.. Never would we have thought someone like her would leave us so soon.. Let's all pray for her k? Al-Fatihah..
I then send quick SMS to NJ handphone but not replied so assume that probably was sent from oversea so she wont reply back (answering my own question la tu)

Then got message from loving Mr Hubby that his nephew known as Amet or real name Hidayatul Ashraff telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada hari  2Mei 2011 semasa latihan Wataniah amat mengejutkan!..such a healthy and good boy too...mungkin Allah swt lebih menyayanginya dan semoga rohnya ditempatkan bersama orang2 yang beriman..AlFatihah dan takziah buat keluarga mertua serta kedua orang tua Amet (my brother and sister inlaw). Kesian kat D'hubby sebab x dpt menatap kali terakhir anak buah dia sbb aku diperantauan..ku kira Darling hubby mesti menangis sakan dan bersedih sebab aku pun tiada jadi dia stuck x dpt I wish I was there! Rasa ralat sangat sama macam Darling hubby ralat x dapat mengiringi jenazah..aku pasti!

Exhibition masih berjalan from 02 Mei - 05 Mei dan sharing room with Ema was not a problem with me even she smoke..then on last day of exhibition she got msg that her grandmother passed away (me and Ema went to seberang Naif utk shopping when she got the msg from her hubby then another shocking news for their marriage..AlFatihah buat Mok Ema semoga rohnya ditempatkan bersama orang2 yang beriman.

06Mei..check in Carlton Hotel balik...but the room is not good like I got the day I arrive and when complaint they give me room 1011..bigger room but high up! X per la just for 1 nite then I will go home...miss Darling hubby and kiddos. After setttle in the room..apa lagi online la,..ingat nak webcam but the line is not good..but happy to see them.  Suddenly bro Ross buzz and asking if I knew the I assume its bout NJ..entahla I missed her so much..she is sooo sincere.  Experience and memory with her when masa kat Balikpapan tu sungguh indah..she is smart and hardworking and really envy her but dia dah dijemput Illahi pada usia 26tahun..Entahlah aku x tau nak express mcm mana bila bro Ross sahkan berita..i want to hug her even I dont have blood ties with her..she is such an adorable girl.  Ralat sebab x sempat nak bagi dia kek and bro Ross ralat sebab dia suka sangat lemon mint my brother tu..  Was told that I can google the news on the accident which I did and found who happen to be her friend.  Honestly I like her soo much and owe her for the business and personal relationship we have build during Balikpapan trip. Then met her again for paying her comm and we chatted at Georgetown Coffee WWM.  Talked bout her losing weight with green apple..her study like usual..  Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan dikalangan orang2 yang beriman. 

Damai lah disana wahai NURUL HUDA JAMALUDDIN! for sure I will never ever forget u! NEVER

Dan aku sendiri menanti waktu untuk terbang pulang ke pangkuan keluarga pada esok hari 07hb Mei jam 0635 dan akan sampai pada 08hb Mei jam 0600 pagi dan kehilangan 2 orang yang sangat rapat sememangnya membuat kepulangan seakan suatu keperitan.

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