all prepared for the exhibitino, selling Malaysia to the world! Its been a great honor to promote Malaysia and being under Tourism Malaysia to ensure the world come to Malaysia
setting appointment, meeting buyer and seller, our products, our packages really makes my hands full and meeting these lovely friends makes me much happier

eating Baskin Robbins is so mouth watering but you cant take every day unless you are super rich ;D
having kebab for dinner, its cheap and awesome
Its been a tiring day and week but fellow Malaysian when coming to Dubai what they do will be shopping and should know that when I travel alone..I really enjoy the day and night...well alone rite!
Terima kasih atas kunjungan dan komen, sungguh sangat dihargai! Kalau ada kesempatan saya akan balas, InsyaAllah. Komen baik-baik tau!
Thanks for the visit, appreciate your positive comments!