Datumcorp launches #DatumHomesForAll Campaign With 4 Added-Value Packages

DatumCorp International Sdn Bhd (DatumCorp), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri SElangor (PKNS) has launched its #DatumHomesforAll campaign which was officiated by YAB Dato's Menteri Besar Selangor, YAB Tuan Amirudin Shari and DatumCorp Chief Executive Office, Shytul Shahryn Mohamad Shaari at its Datum Galeria sales gallery located at Jalan U Thant, Kuala Lumpur recently.

Datumcorp launches #DatumHomesForAll Campaign With 4 Added-Value Packages

The #DatumHomesForAll campaign aims to cement Datumcorp's community-building by achieving two objectives :
  • To increase awareness amongst the public for the contributions of the Orang Asli community to the state.  This is the first Datumcorp's corporate responsibility initiative anchored by the Datum Tap mobile game, the first of its kind in Malaysia.
  • To ease home ownership and investment in Datum Jelatek through four unique special year-end packages to celebrate the launch of the first corporate responsibility initiative and its work progress with the aim to provide investors and potential homeowners even more value when they choose to be part of the Datum Jelatek community

The four packages are The Voyager Pack, Wealth Boost Pack, Blooming Pack and Pro-C Pack which was designed to cater to the unique need of individual buyers.

Datumcorp launches #DatumHomesForAll Campaign With 4 Added-Value Packages

During the event, MoU signing took place between CEO of Datumcorp International, Shytul Shahryn Mohamad Shaari adn Epic Society President, John Son Oei marking the launch of the first of its kind Datum Tap game which allows players to help Orang Asli communities by playing tapping game on their smartphones and winning attractive prizes.

"We are delighted to be the beneficiary of Datumcorp's first corporate responsibility campaign.  The Datum Tap game is a brilliant way to deliver a ripple effect across the community.  While typically a mobile game is usually for fun and winning prizes, Datumcorp brought it to another level, where the game actually translates into acutla homes for the communities in need.  With this, the Orang Asli culture can be celebrated together through the game as more people come to understand their importance as part of our nations's rich artistic and cultural heritage; hopefully inspiring Malaysians to unite to lend a helping hand" - John Son-Oei

Epic Society is a non-profit organization that has a flagship programme which aims to build homes of the underserved Orang Asli communities.  According to UNDP, 34% of Orang Asli live in poverty, equivalent to one third of the entire population. Homes are of great importance to the indigenous people, as it is deeply linked to their identity, ob opportunities, community and the land itself.  Helping a family own a home, helps the family break the poverty cycle.

Those who interested to play the game must like the official Datum Facebook Page, login to the mobile app grame with an authentic Facebook account to their progress, which will gain in-game virtual rewards that give player a chance to be in running for the grand prize and weekly prizes.

The weekly winners will win one unit of of Huawei P20 Pro that will be announced on every Sunday with a total of thirteen (13) units to be won and the grand prize winner will win 6 days and 5 nights trip to Osaka that will be announced on 12th January 2019 during the Grand Finale Event

The campaign will end in January 2019 and this is when Datumcorp will turn the virtual homes into actual home for some of the most deserving Orang Asli families with the of help EPIC Homes.

Datumcorp launches #DatumHomesForAll Campaign With 4 Added-Value Packages

Datumcorp launches #DatumHomesForAll Campaign With 4 Added-Value Packages

Datum Jelatek is the first of DatumCorp International's RM1.2 billion (gross development value) transit-oriented integrated development which is anchored on the idea of "Bridging the Community". 

For more info on Datum Jelatek,

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  1. This is new to me.. first time heard of datumcorp... looks good for all the homes... great launching... nice one..

    1. yeah..should try it who know you get luck to win huawei or even Japan trip

  2. Bagus kak sebenarnya program camni yang terutamanya memberi kesedaran tentang kwujudan org Asli kat negara kita ni..diaorang pun rakyat Malaysia jugak dan harus diberi keistimewaan memandangkan diaorang ni penduduk asal sebelum kedatangan penjajah..heheh

    1. mmg bagus program ni supaya kita jgn lupa kewujudan mereka ni kan

  3. Wah menarik juga rumah rumah Datum ni ya. Harga pun mampu milik. Mungkin sebab bawah kerajaan negeri kot.

    1. mmg menarik rumah ni dan lokasi dia pun sangat strategik..

  4. Program seperti ini memang patut diketengahkan.sekurang-kurannya orang asli tidak kebelakangkan.Idea "Bridging the Community" tu memang baik sekali agar tiada jurang diantara masyarakat kita.

    1. betul tu..mmg terbaik idea tu untuk iktiraf orang asli tu kan

  5. Hrga yg ditawarkan utk rumah Datum ni sgt mampu milik..bagus dibuka kepada org luar juga ..ditawarkan kepada masyarakat orang asli adalah satu usaha yg bagus..ini kerana dapat menyalurkan arus kemodenan pada mereka agar tidak terpinggir

    1. Harga yg ditawark tu adalah harga semasa sebab lokasi Datum Homes tu mmg strategik sangat

  6. Lokasi projek ni sangat bagus....Area hot tu, pasti ramai yang berminat nak memiliki unit di sini. Buat investment pun sesuai rasanya unit di sini

  7. Oo.. yang ini program kesedaran tentang kewujudan orang asli ye. Memang seharusnya ada program seumpama ini agar kebajikan mereka juga terpelihara. Sebelum ini pun kita tak pernah tahu pun. Gud job

  8. Good job Datumcrop.. kiranya ni khidmat masyarakat diorg utk penduduk orang asli juga la kan..memang terbaeklah lokasi projek diorg ni.

    1. Lokasi terbaik...program utk masyarakat orang asli pun terbaik kan

  9. byk juga baca pasal datumcorp ni.
    games dia, kartun org asli tu sgt la cute miut!
    harap nyer agar nasib org asli terbela selamanya.
    diorang adalah identiti kita. jgn dimajukan seluruhnya.
    tempat mereka jgn diambil. upgrade jer :)

    1. jom muat turun game tu...mmg syok layan hehe
      ye betul..upgrade apa yg perlu kan

  10. nak try lah game datum tap tu mana tahu blh menang phone kan heheheh...apps untuk tingkat kesedaran org asli ni bagus sebenarnya...ni memastikan kebajikan mereka terus terpelihara

    1. program yang bagus utk iktiraf orang asli dan harap byk pihak lagi yg buat perkara yang sama kan

  11. I love the fact that a big company like Datum is looking forward to help the orang asli to own their own home..the creation of the App is indeed a wonderful idea..

    1. you forget to download and play the game..Datum Tap is awesome game

  12. hopefully progeam ni betul2 blh membantu kehidupan org asli diluar sana.Sbb mereka juga manusia seperti kita bezanya antara dipedulikan ataupun tidak.
    moga program ni blh menaiktaraf hidup mereka .

    1. betul tu..so far mmg program yg bagus utk org asli

  13. Interesting. Sounds new to me and interesting with the program they had. Got to explore more

    1. everyone shd try...who knows if lucky can win smartphone or maybe trip to Japan

  14. Bagus diadakan program sebegini, sekurang-kurangnya dapat membuka mata orang ramai tentang kehidupan dan kewujudan orang asli ni..moga mereka nasib mereka terbela

  15. Bagus ada wujudkan bantuan untuk golongan Orang Asli ni. Yela, mereka pun perlu dibantu juga untuk kesenangan dan keselesaan hidup kan. Terbaik..

    1. betul tu...diaorang pun harus berubah untuk menjadi lebih baik dalam negara yang semakin pesat membangun ni kan

  16. Bagus betul ada program macam ni. Sekurang-kurangnya dapat bagi keselesaan hidup kepada masyarakat orang Asli. Qiss pun dah mula main game tu. Mana tau kot-kot menang hp satu..

    1. wahhh...good luck Qis..semoga berjaya..nnt kalau berjaya dpt handphone ke, jgn lupa bagi akak try test jugak..hehehe

  17. Ada jg yg mengetengahkan orang asli ni kan selain Jakoa. Bagus adanya program mcm ni.

    1. Syukur ada yg perihatin kepada masyarakat orang asli ni kan..


Terima kasih atas kunjungan dan komen, sungguh sangat dihargai! Kalau ada kesempatan saya akan balas, InsyaAllah. Komen baik-baik tau!

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