Learning How to Make a Hand Bouquet

Wedding bouquets don’t always have to be sophisticated just for you to look stunning. Simple flower arrangements are enough for you to have a glamorous look as long as you have the confidence and you know how to match the flowers with your wedding gown. In fact, it is possible for you to create a hand bouquet at home even if you are not a professional florist. But of course, you still need to look for ideas on how to make one if you want to end up having a beautiful hand bouquet.

Learning How to Make a Hand Bouquet

If you want to make your own hand bouquet for your wedding day, then it is best that you make your research as early as possible so you can get plenty of ideas on how to do it the right way. Remember that you’ll have to blend the colors and even the length of the stems also matters when making a bouquet. The good thing is that you can find lots of tips from flower shop how to make your own hand bouquet at home. You can even watch videos or look for images so it would be easier for you to come up with the arrangement you want.

Once you have prepared the needed materials for your hand bouquet such as the flowers, ribbons, and greens, then you can simply follow the steps below.

  • The first thing that you should do is to decide on the flowers that you will use. You need to check the colors and sizes and make sure that it would fit your wedding gown.
  • Never forget to have fresh flowers because you will need to create the bouquet the night before your wedding. Always start with the biggest flower in the middle before adding other flowers and foliage.
  • When you have put the flowers together, you will need to secure it using a string or a floral tape.
  • Spray water on the bouquet for a fresh look.
  • You can add ribbon to make it more stylish.
Learning How to Make a Hand Bouquet

By following these steps, you can already have your own hand bouquet for your wedding. It would be advisable that you practice doing the wedding bouquet ahead of time so you can be able to perfect the arrangement. On the other hand, if you don’t have the time to make one, then you can always acquire help from the best florist.

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  1. very beautiful bouquet of flowers! so creative and colourful. I'm sure that the scent of the flower is absoultely good :D

  2. suka bouquet yang ada buah2 kecik tu dan ranting2.. nampak artictic sangat


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