Good Bye 2019 And May 2020 Will Be More Kind And Generous

Good Bye 2019 And May 2020 Will Be More Kind And Generous | is the last day of 2019.  Too many things happen with sweet, sour, pains which I wanted to tell the world but there are too many to say to write.

The year starting 2017 was not good and becoming worst in 2018 and rather embarrassing for me. Then I get back on track in 2019 but only for half a year, then I really take the step not to find another job but to focus on writing and work from home.

Good Bye 2019 And May 2020 Will Be More Kind And Generous

Sharing some of the quotes that always makes me smile and make me keep moving positively.

1. "The best thing in life are the people we love, the places we've been and the memories we've made along the way"

2. "Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved"

3. "If you can fly, then run; if you can't run, then walk; if you can't walk, then crawl; but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward - Martin Luther King Jr

4. "When we scratch the wound and give into our addictions we do not allow the wound to heal"

5. "The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it"

6. "Journey of a 1000 miles begin with a single step"

I really don't know what to write here to share here but the will to write is always there.  There are too many to tell to many to say too many to voice out.

Just wishing the best for coming 2020 for everyone and to those around me always.

To my beloved husband, thank you for the 27th years of marriage being so nice and caring, always there for me but he is not a good listener...well we cant have all the perfection in one rite coz I myself not really a sharing type of person.  I do work by myself

To my beloved mak who is always there for me and always be a good listener and always wanting to talk and share with me.

To my beloved children, you all are my life.

To all my siblings, love you all till the end of my life.

To all the friends who know me personally and through social media, thank you for being good friend

One of the happiness is when I receive the email from my beloved boss..opps my ex boss who is now happily reside in his country Germany. He is always make me smile with his care and wishes every year on my birthday except for this year..

Looking back at the year, I have seen lots of changes and lots of thing which are still the same but hoping that I can live in calm and debt free and without having to face bad people as I wanted to stay simple life. 

2019 has taught me a lot. 2019 and the year before have been very heartbreak, disappointing, regrets and tears that not many know what I have gone through and faced. But I know I need to stay calm and relax and always ask for His guidance and always have faith that there will be rainbow along the way.

There were tears and heartbreak that I shallow them in myself but there were also good times when I am blessed with a strong self support system, family and trust that Allah SWT knows that I can bear the problem and I have can.

Life is still struggling but do not give up and do everything that you love as long as they are for good to others and yourself.  Enjoy you life and cheer yourself you and avoid getting stressed unnecessarily.

Whatever happens, whatever you've done this year, whatever you haven't, whatever you missed, whatever you grateful for, whatever you hate, whatever you love, whatever you want to change, whatever you want to erase, regardless of anything - you're always worth it. 

I hope that 2020 will treats me and everyone kindly and what ever broken pieces, I hope I can put up back together.

good bye 2019 and welcome 2020

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