Tips For Coping With Stress And Stay Positive Being At Home On Lockdown

Tips For Coping With Stress And Stay Positive Being At Home On Lockdown | Staying home due to Movement Control Order (MCO) has made us not only bored but stressful too. Not only students have the feeling of being stressed, the teachers, mothers, and everyone. The routine has totally changed 360 degrees and becomes shocked to some. 

As for me, I have been working from home since August 2019, also facing difficulty to adapt the changes. Just imagine that your routine need to change to adapt to others who have been working but now stay at home due to MCO. So I am sharing ways of me coping with the stress surrounding and stay positive at home. 

Have fun reading ya!

Tips For Coping With Stress And Stay Positive Being At Home On Lockdown

The stress somehow will affect us physically and mentally and somehow will start to jeopardize our health when we feel down that will lead to self-motivated. There are too many things surrounding MCO that will lead to this stress and emotional which I have found and try the following to overcome it

Do you want to know how to cope with stress and enjoy staying at home like me, please read through and enjoy.  Please the same way that you are doing or maybe you are still looking how to overcome it. These are the healthy ways to deal with stress and enjoy it

How I Cope With Stress And Stay Positive Being At Home On Lockdown

  • Cooking and eating
  • Eating
  • Excercise
  • Editing Video and Photos
  • Play games

Cooking and Eating
Being a mother of six grown-up kiddos, cooking is a must and MCO is the time where I cook 4 times a day, from breakfast, lunch, tea, and dinner. Yeah, cooking is never part of my passion but it is some kind of it now. Every night, my mind would be thinking about what to cook in the morning before I really dozed off.  Next morning, I will keep thinking and sometimes will google what to cook from local modern dishes to traditional dishes, from Western to Chinese and Korean cuisine. Some of the dishes especially Korean cuisine will be done by my daughter.

Since MCO 3.0 was not that strict on food delivery, we got our favorite food delivered too. So we spend quite some of the money on food, trying this and that popped up on our social media. You may check out my blog ONLY on food

Exercise and Laugh
A routine that is done 3 times a day, either a brisk walk or does light exercise in my bedroom and sometimes we play badminton. An enjoyable time to get together, laugh, and have fun.

Reading books
I have good collections of novels and a few months ago, a friend gave me 2 bags of novels which I slowly reading

Editing Videos and Photos
I took lots of photos and videos while cooking and doing family activities, so I do spend quite of number hours doing this, edit that when the mood is on, otherwise I would just put it aside and find other days to do it.

Play games
As a freelance writer, I spend most of my time in my little SOHO, writing articles for clients and own, manage client social media which sometimes are stressful too. It's sometimes very tiring and often lost of words, so in order to ease and relax, I would play games online which I found that I can play numerous best free online games at any time. 

I just found out the website Solitaire, a free online game no download that will not make my hard disk full with games.

In fact, you can find dozens of free solitaire games of your favorite near the bottom of the page 

What is my favorite game? 

Of course the Solitaires 

The best of this site is that there are no ads will appear while you are playing!

How to play free games online without downloading

Tips For Coping With Stress And Stay Positive Being At Home On Lockdown

After the game has loaded click on the green and white button in the bottom center of the game's welcome screen and you can start playing. You may choose your game from any of the 3 modes.

Tips For Coping With Stress And Stay Positive Being At Home On Lockdown

I choose the easy ones as I am forever easygoing and never winning! When you choose your suit count Spider Solitaire game automatically deals your cards to Tableau. The Spider game is where you create a royal flush on the tableau to remove the cards from the playing field. 

Tips For Coping With Stress And Stay Positive Being At Home On Lockdown

You can see your current score and the number of moves is shown at the top left of the screen. You can see the control menu on the top right, Replay hand, help, turn sound on or off, and re-start the game. 

If you do not like a deal, or you are stuck on a game, you can click Replay hand which I always use. It allows you to shuffle through the reserve pile an unlimited number of times. I told you I never win rite!

Tips For Coping With Stress And Stay Positive Being At Home On Lockdown

Well, I am not good at playing these tricky games but it is always fun and a way out from strenuous of the day and some kind of break in between while doing my job and being stressed civilians!

Tips For Coping With Stress And Stay Positive Being At Home On Lockdown

At the bottom of each game, you can see a guide on how to play the game, the rules, and all info that you can read on how to play the game and win.

The game is not just an ordinary game but the video game is to ease our mind and the game allows you to think of a strategy to win. 

As a game site, which primarily focuses on Solitaire games, do offer numerous other fun online games, such as hidden object games which I believed gives an interest to youngsters, the 3 games that are similar to Zuma ball and candy crush, the Pacman, this is epic and other fun online games that you can play directly in your web browser. 

Tips For Coping With Stress And Stay Positive Being At Home On Lockdown

If need to play other games, just scroll at the bottom of the page to find them.

What kind of game that I look forward in this site?

Seems like there are more upcoming online games that you can get here and as for me, I really hope that would come up with a game similar to Farmville. I missed that game so much and playing Farmville, I feel like having my own farm, plant trees, harvest them and the best part is I need to make sure that I harvest them on time otherwise, my plants will get spoiled. What an experience!

Go and check out their website now and enjoy. Maybe you can share and comment below what would be the game that you wanted to play so much without having ads disturbance and without the need to download. Hope to get to know what's your dream and favorite game.

Have fun guys, I bet you will enjoy the same as me.

1248 words

Post a Comment


  1. Main game Zuma pun best juga di Bolehlah buat hilang bosan work from home

  2. Yes.. I play games to stay away from stress

  3. I've had my 2nd overdose today, I wish you good health. I hope this disease ends

    1. thank you dear..hope you are well too. Yeah, hoping the disease to cease so that we can have our normal routine

  4. tq for tips..fav game ni dulu...solitaire..memang layan!
    salam kenal...done follow! :-)

    1. game solitaire tu mmg ada dlm pc, so layan main bila rasa bosan heehe
      salam perkenalan mummy_ayu


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